Kundenmeinungen über die EGO3 Whirlpool Filter

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Selbst wenn etwas nicht Ihren Erwartungen entspricht, sind wir dankbar für Ihr Feedback, damit wir weitere Verbesserungen vornehmen können.
Zusätzlich können Sie auf unserer Website Bewertungen und Erfahrungsberichte über das trusted shops Label lesen. Seit Anfang 2019 haben Kunden, die bei uns gekauft haben, die Möglichkeit, einige Wochen nach ihrer Bestellung von der externen Stelle "trusted shops" eine Bewertung für die erworbenen Filter abzugeben. Wir sind stolz darauf, fast eine 100% 5-Sterne-Bewertung zu haben.
Wir möchten allen Kunden von EGO3 Whirlpoolfiltern danken. Wir geben unser Versprechen ab, dass unsere Whirlpoolfilter besser reinigen und dabei kostengünstiger sind.
Deshalb bieten wir als einziger Hersteller von Whirlpoolfiltern weltweit eine 4-monatige Zufriedenheits- und Geld-zurück-Garantie.
Daumen hoch für EGO3 Whirlpoolfilter
Hallo liebes EGO3 Team,
anbei zwei Bilder von unserem Whirlpool wie klar das Wasser ist mit Ihrem Filter, und ja es ist Wasser drin. Wir sind absolut begeistert von Ihrem Whirlpoolfilter, und kein Arbeitsaufwand mehr gegenüber vorher mit dem normalen Filter. Absolute Weiterempfehlung - Daumen Hoch!!!
Mit freundlichen GrüßenFrank H.

Geniale Umsetzung! Chapeau!
Wellis Modell Zonza
Habe sofort das Filter eingesetzt. Bin begeistert, das EGO3 ist einfach, fortschrittlich und vor allem günstig und zeitsparend.
Geniale Umsetzung! Chapeau!
Trotzdem habe ich einige Fragen dazu :
1. Ist es richtig, dass sich der Filterdeckel mit dem SPA-Schachtanfang bündig, auf gleicher Höhe befinden muss ? JA
2. Der Filter kann nicht tiefer in den Schacht reingedrückt werden, weil er an einer im SPA eingebauten ringförmigen Verengung dicht abschliessen - abschliessen muss ? JA
3. Somit sich der Filterboden mit der runden Abflussöffnung und das Schachtende, sich nicht berühren und nicht zusammengesteckt werden can. Der Abstand beträgt ca. 15cm. JA
4. Das SPA deshalb neu, ohne alten originalen Auffangkorb und Skimmer betrieben wird. JA
5. Der große Ring, welcher den Skimmer am SPA festmachte, auch für das EGO3 WIRD eingesetzt (Sasst auf den Millimeter genau, als wäre das so vorgesehen). OPTIMAL
6. Reicht der kleine Strudel der beim Filterzyklus entsteht, um auch gut schwimmenden Schmutz reinzuziehen. ZB verwehte Blättchen, Insekten etc. PERFEKT.
Merci und schönes Wochenende Urs aus der Schweiz

EGO3 Toploader Whirlpoolfilter Rheinland Pfalz

3 Wochen in Betrieb Super klares Wasser LG Thomas G., Rheinland-Pfalz
3 Wochen in Betrieb
Super klares Wasser
LGThomas G., Rheinland-Pfalz

Let customers speak for us
David Knollman(Tuesday, November 22, 2022)
Nach 5 Jahren, in denen ich mein Bestes gegeben habe, um immer klares Wasser zu haben (und oft gescheitert bin!), habe ich diese Filter online entdeckt. Nach einer Woche der Nutzung sah unser Vita Spa nie so sauber aus. Die Reinigung ist sehr einfach, das chemische Gleichgewicht scheint länger zu halten und nach etwa 4 Monaten Nutzung musste ich die Filter nur zweimal reinigen. Es ist wirklich ein Produkt von Weltklasse und wird mir ein Vermögen sparen, sowohl an Zeit für die Reinigung der Filter als auch an Geld, das ich für neue Filter ausgegeben habe. Das Einzige, was ich anders gemacht habe, ist, den Whirlpool um zusätzliche 10-15 mm zu füllen, da die Filter nur von oben gespeist werden und ich mehr Tiefe benötigte, da sie bei meiner Maschine ziemlich hoch nahe der Oberfläche sind (Vita Spa Cabaret 2015). Ich vermute, dass das Wasser auch länger halten wird, was weniger Austausch und Reinigung des Whirlpoolkörpers bedeutet. Es ist wirklich eine Win-Win-Situation!
David, Somerset, United Kingdom..
Diethart knifts(Friday, November 18, 2022 4:06 PM)
Thank you, really a brilliant product, convincing all the way.
A highly satisfied customer! Best regards, d.knifts
Marina Gigl(Thursday, November 10, 2022 1:55 PM)
"I ordered the filters on recommendation. I am absolutely satisfied and can recommend it to everyone. TOP!!!"
Heike Brunner(Monday, June 27, 2022 04:36)
Top filter + balls. Super clear water and they clean the water brilliantly. Best decision to switch to these filters. Best regards from Trier, Heike.
Kai Sandig(Monday, May 09, 2022 09:16)
"I have been using the filters for almost a year now. The filter performance is phenomenal. The filter balls only need to be replaced/cleaned every 4-5 weeks. The water is always crystal clear. - A brilliant and cost-effective product in the long run!"
"The customer service is also excellent: After one of the filter cartridges broke the thread while being unscrewed, it was quickly and easily replaced. Thank you very much."
Best regards from Saxony
Guenther Anke(Friday, 08 April 2022 15:51)
Super easy ordering, great service, very friendly on the phone, answered all questions, installed the filter today, everything easy to handle and very satisfied.
Hannes(Monday, January 31, 2022 3:36 PM)
The product is insane. Customer service is TOP.
bobbin(Tuesday, December 14, 2021)
Excellent water quality.
Very friendly contact
Oliver Seitz(Monday, December 06, 2021 15:57)
Hello Mr. Gruber,
"The filter balls completely convince me. The effort compared to the annoying slatted filter in terms of cleaning is priceless! I especially want to personally praise you for your 'angelic patience,' as I, as a hot tub novice, have extreme problems with water quality and adjusting the pH level and adequate chlorination. So far, I have always been able to ask you for advice, for which I am very grateful."
Thanks from the wonderful Lower Bavaria. Best regards, Oliver Seitz, D-94360 Mitterfels
Sascha W.(Monday, 01 November 2021 07:57)
5 stars for EGO3 service, filter, price-performance, satisfaction, customer friendliness
"Keep it up, I am so excited. Filter in operation since March and no problems. Whirlpool clean, clear, and much, much less work when cleaning."
Best regards
Sascha W. Ostalbkreis
Sasha(Monday, 01 November 2021 07:50)
"So I am extremely satisfied with the filters. Especially with the customer service. Questions are answered immediately and you get help right away and are not left hanging like on other sites. Top filters, top value for money, top service."
Michael from Lake Constance(Thursday, September 16, 2021 09:03)
Good day,
"We have been using the filter system for 2.5 years and are very satisfied. The cleaning is simple and straightforward. We put the "balls" in a laundry bag for stockings. This goes into the washing machine for washing."
Marcus Kalipke(Thursday, August 26, 2021 1:37 PM)
"I haven't been able to test the product yet, but I would like to report on Mr. Gruber's helpfulness."
"I have an Armstark Marin 880 series, which unfortunately is not included here with the filters. Thanks to the friendly information from Mr. Gruber, I was able to purchase a corresponding filter housing through Armstark Austria."
"Despite the fact that I unfortunately couldn't generate any sales for Mr. Gruber at that moment, he tirelessly helped me continue my search. Thank you very much again for that."
Antonio Derfler(Wednesday, June 09, 2021 16:59)
I would like to sincerely thank you all!
Great service, great product!!! Highly recommend!
Thank you ���
Kirsten H.(Monday, April 19, 2021 6:38 PM)
"Today cleaned the filter balls for the first time, after 3 weeks.. super easy to clean.. the balls were dirty.. of course after three weeks.. but the cleaning is simple. The hot tub water has been wonderfully clear since then.. Great thing thumbs up 👍"
Gerhard Schaffer(Friday, March 05, 2021 11:18)
I am the owner of a Murano hot tub and have had difficulties with the water from the very beginning - mainly because the seller hardly took any time for the topic of "proper water treatment." Through an acquaintance, I then got the phone numbers of Mr. Gruber from Graz. Although we do not know each other, and although he is not the seller of the pool, he took almost 20 minutes for the first conversation, and further long, valuable conversations followed the initial discussion. With his incredible knowledge and unique experience, we have now succeeded in making the pool water as clear as one wishes from the heart as a pool owner. My suggestion would be that all pool sellers should take a basic course on "proper water treatment" with Mr. Gruber before selling a pool. My heartfelt thanks for your time and for your unparalleled support! Gerhard Schaffer, Mengen (Germany)
Andreas Plank(Friday, 05 February 2021 04:41)
The filtration system is the perfect solution for our hot tub. The water is now significantly clearer, and the costs are considerably lower with the filter balls compared to the expensive filter cartridges.
"Regardless of the perfect solution, the seller is highly recommended."
"We had a small problem during the installation of the new cartridge and described this to the seller via email. Already the next day (on a Sunday), we received a response early in the morning that clearly distinguishes this seller from other retailers."
We can do both the product and the seller.
Thank you again for this performance (unfortunately not normal in today's time).
Csapik Gerhard(Friday, January 29, 2021 08:47)
"In use for 4 years and very satisfied. We are still using the filter balls from the first delivery. We have had the hot tub for 6 years and never had such perfect water in the first 2 years. It has made our hot tub life much easier."
Ulrich Hengen(Thursday, January 28, 2021 6:59 PM)
"Already before switching to Ego3 filters, there were problems with biofilm and cloudy water. After thorough consultation with Mr. Gruber, we now have crystal clear water again and are thrilled with our pool and the EGO3 filters. Our pool now looks like it does in the pictures here, thank you very much!!"
Axel P.(Saturday, November 21, 2020 1:44 PM)
"Cartridge filter replaced by The Ego 3 filter for 3 weeks."
"Before the first use, pictures sent, discussed everything with Mr. Gruber."
Bad water, murky water, biofilm.... etc.
Now crystal clear water thanks to the tireless, competent, and super friendly assistance from Mr. Gruber. We are now enjoying the pool. Once again, heartfelt thanks.
Jost G.(Tuesday, August 25, 2020 5:19 PM)
Great filter, after initial difficulties switched to oxygen disinfection through Aquafinesse following advice from Mr. Gruber. Now wonderfully clear water with little effort for filter cleaning.
Norbert Schultze(Wednesday, July 08, 2020 21:16)
"The balls from Fibalon are really great in the Ego filter. We also work with the ionization device from Infinitas in a swim spa. With this filter, we finally have clear and odor-neutral water, which was never the case before with cartridge filters and spa balancers. Why, how - no idea, but we are all very happy now... Great invention!"
Thomas Heim(Thursday, June 25, 2020 7:56 PM)
"One more important addition to my recently sent comment. Throughout the entire time with our problem, which ultimately was due to the pump failure, we received support regarding the problem-solving from Mr. Gruber (Ego3...). He was helpful with our questions!"
Thomas Heim(Thursday, June 25, 2020 7:43 PM)
"We bought the filter balls in 2019. Unfortunately, after the first use, our pool pump failed regardless of the filter balls. The water could no longer be regulated and was cloudy. After replacing the pump, it worked again and we were able to test the filter balls for the rest of the season. This year, we reopened the pool season at the beginning of June and are very satisfied with the filter balls. The water is clear and cleaning the filter balls is significantly easier than with the previous filters. So far, we have a total of 20 filter balls in use (alternating 2x10). So the pack should last for some time. We can only recommend the filter balls."
HamburgSüd(Sunday, February 23, 2020 12:17)
Infinitas MB 600 Whirlpool and Swim Spa SP2000
"At the beginning, I had 2 x cloudy water with the Infinitas disinfection without chlorine. I can only advise everyone to flush the pool thoroughly once before making the final filling."
The sand filter in the swimming spa was factory-filled with Fibalon and had ideal water values and appearance right from the start.
"I only had to get to the hot tub 2 times. Now the hot tub is running like a charm with 2 Ego filters."
Many thanks also to Spa Natural for the tip. I am very satisfied with the filter and water without chlorine.
Jan S.(Tuesday, January 28, 2020 05:58)
"My wife and I have an Infinitas hot tub and now have the water under control with the Ego filter and the Infinitas solution without chlorine."
Super SOLUTION of the filter and without chlorine, I couldn't believe it, it's running splendidly.
Thank you for the support.
Gaideczka Günther(Wednesday, December 11, 2019 6:17 PM)
I asked a question via the P.C. on 11.12.
Then I immediately received great information over the phone.
Thank you, I thought that was great.
Hochstrasser Erwin(Tuesday, December 03, 2019 11:26)
Super awesome!!
"Had enough of the old lamella filters."
"The balls are really easy to clean, the effort is truly minimized. It seems to me that the water is 'cleaner'."
Can only recommend to everyone!!
Martin Frank, Bavaria(Saturday, September 28, 2019 09:19)
First of all, thank you very much for the brilliant invention. I tried to integrate the filter into the ongoing operation, but unfortunately that didn't work out quite right. After a water change, it now runs without any problems. The workload is virtually zero. The quality of the water is outstanding. I haven't been able to achieve this with any filter so far. I can only give a clear recommendation to buy. I have tried several filters, but this is by far the best. Best regards.
U. Luethi Switzerland(Friday, August 02, 2019 10:40)
"I immediately installed the filter. I'm thrilled, the EGO3 is simple, advanced, and above all, cost-effective and time-saving."
Brilliant implementation! Hats off!
Frank S.(Saturday, June 29, 2019 21:01)
super advice; filter in use for 8 months - very satisfied; thank you!
Stefan Zapf(Friday, June 07, 2019 11:01)
Hello everyone.
"I've been using the filters for some time now and can only recommend them."
"Even in cases of problems or damages such as lids or containers, there are no discussions. Everything was exchanged without any issues, and the contact is very accommodating."
All in all, product service and contact are simply perfect.
With kind regards.
Thomas R.(Thursday, April 25, 2019 10:16 PM)
Super competent and friendly advice beforehand. Prompt delivery and everything fit (threads, for example). We are already looking forward to the commissioning and that the "fiddling around" with the paper filters finally comes to an end. Once again, heartfelt thanks to Mr. Gruber for the great telephone consultation. ;-)
Klaus Meyer(Friday, March 08, 2019 19:37)
"Received 2 months ago and haven't regretted it for a second. :-) Filters work perfectly. Great invention!"
Dietmar R., A-Linz(Sunday, February 24, 2019 08:35)
Filter cover broken! Not only was it replaced without any issues, but a second cover was also included! Also in anthracite!! Fits perfectly with the other fittings!!!!
The service from EGO 3 is perfect and not always taken for granted everywhere.
thank you very much to Mr. Gruber
can only recommend further
Hermann Schneden(Thursday, January 17, 2019 8:51 PM)
Super Filter!!! We have struggled with the old stuff for years and it often made us despair. Filter cleaned, pool off, cleaned again, briefly on, off again. Bought a new filter for the 10th time for way too much money.
"Since we have EGO3, we are finally super satisfied with our hot tub :-) Thank you, great product!!!"
Dieter L(Tuesday, December 18, 2018 14:12)
Hello, I have had the filters for almost 2 months now. Previously, I also had the cartridge filters and cleaned the filters every week with the expensive spa balancer filter cleaner.
and Ultrashock as well. Then I started having problems with the filters and after half a year I couldn't get them clean anymore. I carefully removed the filter from the pool and then all the dirt fell back into the pool. I then did some research online and came across the Ego 3 filters.
The filters are great, I cleaned them after 2 months without chemicals and the water is clean. By the way, I switched to regular chlorine (chlorine tablets), I got tired of the expensive spa balancer, I always had problems with germs, but since I started using chlorine, nothing, the filters don't clog, etc. However, I will switch to inorganic chlorine granules, it's better to dose and it doesn't produce trichloramine.
Conclusion: Filters are highly recommended.
Mr. Gruber, thank you again for the tip.
Viktor K.(Friday, December 14, 2018 4:17 PM)
Very good product, clearly better filter results than the standard cartridge filters. The service by Mr. Gruber is excellent. Thank you once again.
Highly Recommended!
Manuela J.(Wednesday, October 24, 2018 3:41 PM)
We have been using the Super Filters since June and are very satisfied!!
The very annoying task of cleaning the cartridge filters every few days is eliminated.
"Changing the filter balls is also a piece of cake."
"We can only recommend to everyone who still uses cartridge filters to switch to these EGO3 filters."
"We usually don't write reviews online, but Mr. Gruber deserves it. Because the filters can really only be recommended."
Daniela Wasylewski(Saturday, October 06, 2018 5:48 PM)
"This filter system works perfectly. The cleaning is really quite simple. I initially had problems keeping my water clear. Thanks to Mr. Gruber and his tips, I can now bathe in crystal clear water. Due to his experience, he always recognized the problem immediately and suggested the right measures, thank you very much!!! It's nice that there are still such customer-friendly companies."
Fam. Hartmann, NRW(Monday, 24 September 2018 09:32)
Absolutely satisfied!!! We have had a Fonteyn hot tub for 1 year and have always been annoyed about cleaning the filter. Now it's child's play and the water looks perfect! Great product!
Cornelia Tschanett(Saturday, September 22, 2018 07:30)
"I have been using the filter balls for my hot tub for 2 years. Now I have a swim spa. I quickly tried to switch from cartridge filters here as well and was very happy that there is the right size for my pool. After placing the order, I promptly received a call to confirm whether this filter size would fit. I received very good personal advice and good tips, and the order arrived very quickly."
"Since I started using the filter balls, the water is crystal clear. Since we have very hard water, conventional cartridge filters clog almost constantly. This is a strain on the pumps - but that doesn't happen with the balls. After extensive children's parties, changing the filter was a dilemma. When removing the cartridges, huge amounts of dirt came loose, which were now back in the pool."
"That also doesn't exist with the filter balls!! The dirt stays in the container. Moreover, the exchange is incredibly simple. I put the balls in a laundry net and wash them only with Danchlor in the machine. Done. Everything is clean. And I've been doing it this way for 2 years."
"Works excellently with Spabalancer. Once all the hardness formers have been filtered out of the water, hardly any addition of cleaners to the water is necessary. After more than a year, I have fantastic water, and every water change is actually a challenge because the water is better than after the fresh filling."
"The purchase may seem expensive at first glance, but it has already paid off for me. No more buying new filters. No more hours of effort when changing filters - first cleaning the pool from the dissolved dirt and then painstakingly cleaning the slats, expensive filter cleaners, etc...."
Less water chemistry. Longer usage times of the water before the next change. Conceivably simple pool maintenance that can now be easily done in between without getting wet and dirty from head to toe. No more spare cartridges lying around because the balls can be stored very easily.
Highly Recommended!
Gietl Tobias(Monday, 03 September 2018 13:51)
Very very good product, definitely better filter results than the standard cartridge filters. I can only recommend it :)
Holger J.(Wednesday, August 29, 2018 07:28)
Hello Mr. Gruber,
Once again, heartfelt thanks for your great advice and support even after the purchase.
The filter system is great and very easy to use and clean.
Finally, this disgusting biofilm on the water surface is gone.
"I initially wanted to build my own skimmer system, but your filter with the top suction solved my problem."
Cleaning the paper filters was always just a gamble, and one could never be sure that the filter was clean again.
"Finally, I had soaked the paper filters in heavily chlorinated water for 3 weeks."
Since the paper filter costs 29.95 Eur per filter, you quickly recoup the additional cost of the ego3.
The added value from the clearly better system: INVALUABLE :-)
Thank you once again
LG Holger from DE
Kirsten B.(Tuesday, August 14, 2018 10:12)
Hello Mr. Gruber,
"We recently had a phone call and then I ordered 2 filters from you. We are the ones with the Infinitas whirlpool from Düsseldorf by spanatural. Already after 2 filter cleanings that you recommended to me at the beginning, there was a noticeable improvement. The slime that was constantly at the edge and especially around the filters on the walls, despite cleaning the old filters every 2-3 days, is gone or only very little remains. The water is also significantly cleaner!!"
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. It has been a constant annoyance since the purchase of our wonderful hot tub and has significantly spoiled our enjoyment. Now I lie in my pool with a smile and joyfully watch the shooting stars.
Harzl Dominik(Wednesday, 01 August 2018 14:09)
Super satisfied! I can only recommend it further. We have had an Artesian Spas hot tub for 2 years and have only used EGO3 filters since then. Always top water!
Klaus Helmwert(Monday, July 30, 2018 12:57)
"We've had the filters for 6 months now. We are very satisfied. We've never had such beautiful water. We also need much less chemicals. It's a great product!!!"
Jens Hemensberg(Wednesday, July 04, 2018 1:39 PM)
At first, we were very skeptical. But we were taught better. The Ego3 filters work perfectly. We never clean the filters anymore, but just replace a few balls every 2-3 months. That's still much cheaper than the old filters and we have no more work. Great idea for this filter!
Adam S,(Thursday, June 07, 2018 11:26 PM)
'I have been a hot tub owner for nine months, have been operating my hot tub with Spa Balancer products from the beginning on the recommendation of my pool seller. Paid a lot of money for nothing!! The water'
sometimes good, sometimes not so good, constant foam formation in water, cleaning filters every week, etc. For me, that was just normal, as I only knew it that way. When I needed new filters, I went to the...
'Searched for internet, found filter EGO3 by chance and ordered immediately due to many advantages. Inserted filter EGO3, two days later water cloudy, milky. I contacted my seller EGO3 and'
"I wanted to get my money back due to the result. My seller EGO3 contacted me immediately and explained things to me, I was still skeptical but I had a 3-month return policy so"
'Again filter EGO3 into the water, a week has passed, water cloudy gray milky catastrophe. Conclusion: it doesn't work with SPA Balancer!! Tip from my seller EGO3 followed, water out,'
Pool cleaned, new water added, EGO3 filter in, Ultrashock done. pH value adjusted, after a week water quality 1A!!! no more foam formation, incredible!!!
"I am super satisfied and still excited about the water quality and how easy and affordable it is to operate a hot tub now. Thank you EGO3 team for the great advice and super product. Really."
I would advise every hot tub owner to use filter EGO3.
Once again, thank you EGO3 Team !!
Rene Huber(Monday, February 19, 2018 08:26)
"Have been using the filters for 6 months now. Very satisfied. Great product!!!"
Fam. Wiedeholz - NRW(Saturday, February 10, 2018 2:09 PM)
are very satisfied, we have never had such crystal clear water, works perfectly and is much less work than with the old paper filters.
Rolf Klausnitzer/Bremen(Monday, January 15, 2018 5:10 PM)
"Simply top, thank you for this product. I used to clean my filter every week, whether summer or winter. Now I replace the dirtiest filter balls every 3-4 months and always have crystal clear water! You have convinced me!"
Uwe Schneider/ Germany(Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:23 PM)
"I have been using the filter since April 2017. I was very skeptical at first. Mr. Gruber then gave me very good advice over the phone, so I ordered the filter. The delivery was prompt. I installed the filter and after about 1 week I had the perfect clear water. So far, I have cleaned the filters 2 times. The water is still crystal clear!"
Claudia Schweiger(Thursday, February 23, 2017 10:20)
The water is even more beautiful than ever before. It almost shines. No idea how that works, but we are very satisfied.